Farm Direct Bulk Herbs

What We Offer

Farm Fresh Powerhouse Herbs -

Farm Fresh Powerhouse Herbs -

  • Dried Herbs

    Ecologically grown, harvested directly from our fields and never imported. The herbs are carefully dried without added heat and processed by hand.

    Unlike traditional cut/sift processing, we garble the herbs over stainless steel screens to create uniform particle size and remove the stems to leave only the medicinal content.

    Price Range: $40-$85 per lb

    Minimum Order: 4oz per species

    Wholesale Discount: Orders of 2-10 lbs per species receive a 15% discount. Orders of 11-20+ lbs per species receive a 20% discount.

  • Fresh Herbs

    Ecologically grown medicinal herbs, harvested fresh from the field during peak potency and sent whole, as harvested.

    They are gently chilled immediately post-harvest, and sent in paper bags with a reusable gel pack to keep them fresh until arriving in you hands. Priority postage is recommended, and fresh and dried herb orders must be shipped separately.

    Price Range: $25-$50 per lb

    Minimum Order: 2lb per species

    Wholesale Discount: Orders of 5-5 lbs per species receive a 15% discount. Orders of 15-30 lbs per species receive a 20% discount.

What Sets Us Apart

  • By supporting our small scale operation, you are receiving herbs that are grown in Ontario, by a local herbalist’s hands, with a freshness that is only accessible through purchasing farm direct herbs sold during the most recent growing season.

  • Our farm is managed as a part of the ecosystem rather than trying to fabricate growing space outside of the natural world. This means using chemical free, biology-based ammendments, growing in harmony with microbes, fungi, insects, animals, and the flow of the nature.

  • Our farm, high in the hills of the Niagara Escarpment, boasts some of the richest, beautifully structured soil around. In all farming practices, we prioritize soil ecology in order to maintain and nourish this precious resource for generations to come. This in turn means our herbs are not only grown in soil that is free of chemicals and heavy metal contamination, but positively buzzing with beneficial soil life.

  • We are very serious about the post-harvest procesing of our herbs. Drying our herbs in complete darkness and without added heat helps us maintain the high vibrancy, constituent-rich freshness that most bulk herb suppliers can’t repliate.

  • Harvesting and processing all herbs by hand means more labour, but ensure a close attention to detail from a practicing herbal clinician, ensuring vibrancy, minimal stem content (unlike mass produced herbs), and a high level of quality control.

  • Future Spell Farm is run by a registered clinical herbalist who has been in private practice for 5 years. Everything we offer is held against the high standard Jessye has for the herbs used with their own clients.

To view our complete 2024 herb list with fresh and dried pricing

*Some changes are still being made, bear with us! 

As a registered herbalist, Jessye offers fresh tinctures and takes made-to-order requests for other practitioners. To view current availability

Ready To Order?

Submit the following order form to place small, bulk, and wholesale orders:

Have questions? Send us an email and let us know what you’re looking for:

What’s Growing 2024

|Angelica- Angelica arcangelica |Anise Hyssop- Agastache foeniculum |Ashwagandha- Withania somnifara |Blue Vervain- Verbena hastata |Burdock- Arctium lappa |Calendula- Calendula officinalis |Catnip- Nepeta cataria |Chamomile- Matricaria chamomilla |Echinacea- Echinacea purpurea + Echinacea angustifolia |Elecampane- Inula helenium |Gotu Kola- Centella asiatica |Globe Artichoke- Cynara scolymus |Lemon Balm- Melissa officinalis |Licorice- Glycyrrhiza glabra |Marshmallow- Althea officinalis |Meadowsweet- Filipendula ulmaria |Motherwort- Leonurus cardiaca |Mugwort- Artemisia vulgaris| Nettle- Urtica dioica |Oats- Avena sativa |Peppermint- Mentha piperita |Red Sage- Salvia miltiorrizha |Rhodiola- Rhodiola rosea |Spearmint- Mentha spicata |Skullcap- Scutellaris lateriflora |St. Johns Wort- Hypericum perforatum |Tulsi, Temperate Variety - Ocimum africanum |Tulsi, Rama- Ocimum sanctum |Valerian- Valeriana officinalis |Wild Bergamot- Monarda fistula |Wood Betony- Stachys officinalis |Yarrow- Achillea millefolium |